Thursday, December 18, 2008

Germany invades Poland

Germany has taken Poland. Today, the 4th German army marched through the streets of Warsaw, the capital of Poland. The little rebellion that did arise was quickly decimated. Let it be none world wide that Poland is now a German territory. With every contry mobilizing, diplomacy and talk of serious war has begun. Germany is preparing, like all others, with it's western borders lined with infantry and armored divisions and control of Poland. War is iminent. Prepare yourselves.

1 comment:

L.T. John said...

Since I forgot the e-mail address to sign in, I'll make my post here:

"Today, at exactly 1600 hours, American forces broke through the weakend Canadian border, pouring into the Ontario area. Little resistance was detected, as our president made public in his speech just a few minutes ago. We now go live, to Adreana Livingston, outside the white house..."

"Hello, Kent. The President's speech has already begun, so the footage will commence where he is now."

"-through our valiant efforts, the Russo-Canadian alliance will not leave the drawing board! The communist enemies of our country shall fall!

As I made clear to our congress, such power build-up against ourselves and allies shall NOT, I repeat, not be tolerated.

Be brave America, be brave."

"That, Kent, is the....Wait a minute. I'm getting reports, you will not believe this. I'm hearing that we will be allying ourselves with Germany!"